Post #7: “Prometheus and Bob” Evolution

This weeks post is about Prometheus and Bob. The cartoon was a short segment on a Nickelodeon show called Kablaam. I always liked these cartoons thinking that they were the funniest part of the entire show. Usually they dealt with simple concepts such as farming or building something, but this episode in particular deals with a more complex subject, evolution. Evolution vs. intelligent design was and still is a controversy in society. I feel that  Prometheus and Bob was able to touch on evolution vs. intelligent design all while disguised as a kids cartoon, showing that animation can be used to express viewpoints and reach audiences that are usually unreachable.

This episode was about a machine that could either evolve or devolve anything put inside. It started out with an angry wolf like creature that evolved into a domestic dog. It also showed a monkey being evolved into a human. This is a very touchy subject that many parents try to protect their children from. These same parents may also let their kids watch cartoons not thinking that this is something that would be discussed.

The concept of evolution vs. the concept of intelligent design is a hot topic within school systems and whether one, the other or both should be taught. With this in mind I found it shocking that the cartoon would have this subject matter in it. As a kid I loved the cartoon and regardless of what I believe in I never thought twice about it. Even now I still find it funny, but now knowing what I do about the debate on this subject, this Nick show could be viewed as edgy.

To add to the edginess, Prometheus evolved into an alien and the monkey when fully evolved was a floating brain. This challenges the biblical teaching that we are all created in God’s image. The machine itself also implies that aliens are our true creators and the ones behind evolution. All of this is probably over the heads of kids watching the show, but it does make a stand and chooses a side on the issue.

I commented on Megan’s blog and Chuck’s blog.

Published in: on March 14, 2010 at 4:19 pm  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I remember watching this short as a kid, but always thinking that Bob was kinda creepy. Don’t know why, but I did.

    But, I do agree on your point that the short presents a subject in a way that children can understand. This is why I love animation, because it has the ability to take subjects that may not be able to be understood by kids in the classroom, and present them in a way that they can better understand.

  2. I remember these cartoons also. I found them to be very amusing. Even this episode is hilarious despite what one believes about creation. What was the best thing about these cartoons though was that for some reason or another the Monkey always seemed the most intelligent even over the alien at times. Perhaps the alien should have taught the monkey. I also found it amusing the the evolution chamber has a done beep sound similar to that of a Microwave. Hats off to Nickelodeon for taking a touchy subject and turning it into something funny.

  3. I do recall watching this cartoon when I was a kid, and I think I remember this episode. After you see all of the debates in todays society on whether or not to teach evolution or creationism in schools today and you look at this cartoon it does take on the side of evolution. As a child they might just think of it as a person turning into a monkey and not think about what it means. I had totally forgot about these cartoons good post.

  4. I remember this short on Nick, I think it was a part of a series called Kablaam. I was shocked to see the part where Bob puts a monkey into the chamber and a full grown man comes out. That is pretty risky considering some kids’ parents may not believe in evolution. Still, I think that it has been pretty well established that evolution occurs in nature. Of course for most kids, it would probably go right over their heads as you said.

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  6. Ka-blam was awesome growing up. It actually still is today. Prometheus and Bob was one of my favorite shorts throughout the show. I never really thought about relating it to religion. I personally don’t believe this “Evolution” episode looks to be a problem, however, I do know where you are coming from. Many kids shows have much more adult content in them then we think. Many animation shows and movies apply to older knowledge as well, which is interesting. Interesting Post.

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